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Gearbox & Pliant joining forces

18 December 2023


Press Release




Gearbox and Pliant merge
Gearbox and Pliant joining forces

Gearbox & Pliant joining forces


With the new year around thecorner, Gearbox and Pliant want the world to know that they have decided tocontinue as one. Both companies are household names in the horticulture sectorand with their combined experience in vision software, AI algorithms, androbotics, they are the ideal match for developing high-tech solutions.


Gearbox, having a majorityinterest in the new venture, is taking a big leap forward by securing theknowledge on both operating software and vision technology even more stronglyand broadly across the organisation. As Pliant adds over 20 years of experiencein software development, Gearbox grows to more than 60 expert employees inhigh-tech automation.


“We are a great match, inexpertise as well as company culture, and we are both passionate aboutdeveloping smart robotics solutions for our clients. By continuing as one, westrengthen our market position and it allows us to help our clients better andfaster,” says Simone Keijzer, CEO of Gearbox.


Extending the productportfolio for the horticulture sector

The products that Gearbox andPliant provide for the fresh produce industry complement each other very well.Gearbox, for example, already offers various robotics solutions for qualitycontrol processes and the robotisation of growing vegetables, fruits, andflowers. Pliant, on the other hand, is highly experienced in using advancedsoftware technology to upgrade existing sorting lines. As they can now combinetheir product portfolio, the company is in an excellent position to expand itsgrowth on an international level.


Offshore solutions

WithPliant joining in, the client base now also includes the offshore sector. The specialistteam working for Pliant Offshore realises 3D measuring solutions and controlsoftware for the international offshore and maritime market. Pliant Offshoreequipment and software solutions assist with processes such as monitoringcables, monopiles, pipes, turbines, vessels and other structures duringinstallation, inspection and maintenance. Such solutions not only makeoperations more efficient but also more cost-effective. The name PliantOffshore remains and its team will continue to develop solutions for theoffshore sector. 

“The fact that we complementone another in expertise is quite unique. We’ve known each other for years andrealised projects together before, so this next step only makes perfect sense,”says Alex Heurkens, Co-founder of Pliant.


Ready for the future

In any case, nothing willchange for customers, they will keep their known contacts. Gearbox and PliantOffshore will use each other's expertise to increase quality even further. So what’s the goal for 2024?Simone and Alex are of one mind when it comes to their plans for the comingyears. They’ll be working together on the ‘The Next Generation’ in both theFood & Flower sector and the Offshore market by supporting their clientswith smarter and easier operating processes through vision software, AI, androbotics.

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