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Avy wins AFAS Young Business Award 2023

Avy proudly secures the prestigious title of Best Young Business in the Netherlands, marking a remarkable achievement in innovation and excellence.

10 December 2023






AFAS Young Business Award 2023

Founder Patrique Zaman
AFAS Young Business Award Winner 2023

Avy, our portfolio scale-up, has clinched the prestigious AFAS Young Business Award 2023! 🌟 Not only did Avy secure the crystal award, but it also proudly earned the title of 'Best Young Business in the Netherlands.'

The AFAS Young Business Award organization emphasized, "If you manage to comply with extremely strict regulations, design and build complex technology, operate in a unique market, and still make a significant impact, then you are the best."

Shawn Harris: "Orange Wings Investments became a partner in 2017. Six years ago, we made our first investment. We are incredibly proud of Avy's achievement, and as we prepare to take off, we look forward to witnessing Avy ascend to new heights!"

Patrique Zaman, founder and CEO of Avy, expresses his gratitude: "This award is a beautiful reward for the team after all these years of hard work. It's my dream to innovate the aviation industry with autonomous and emission-free drone flights, ensuring that we can save more lives daily. When you dial 112, help is always nearby, regardless of location or accessibility.

More info: Avy.eu

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